The Incredible Power of Twitter #LoveMyPLN #edchat TY @gcouros @kobenglish14 @E_Sheninger @Jstevens009 @jcorippo @EdCamposJr

Jonah, one of my students, asked me yesterday: “why do you love twitter so much?” He’s taking journalism and asked for a quick interview. But of course, how could I express what I love so much about twitter without a quick demonstration? So I tweeted out the following:

And then George Couros tweeted out:

Which received an awesome response from Mr. O’Brien:

And then George Couros responded himself:

And so did Eric Sheninger:

Blew Jonah away, in an incredibly good way! But, as if that wasn’t demonstration enough, later in the day…

…A colleague asked me if I had any experience using Bootstrap. I didn’t, so I turned to twitter:

Within 10 minutes, I had a connection:

2 minutes later:

Wow, right?!

So, why do I love twitter? I think the above sums things up pretty well… don’t you? What constantly amazes me is the incredible generosity of the educators I connect with on twitter. Where else can you ask a question and have 10 people jumping to point you towards helpful resources, share experiences, and offer a helping hand?


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