Professional Development w @DTWillingham – “Why Don’t Students Like School?” #edchat

  1. Professional Development to kickstart the 2nd trimester w@DTWillingham (follow-up to our summer reading “Why Don’t Students Like School?”
  2. Books

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  3. “There is ambiguity in sentences all over the place” ~@DTWillingham How do we connect info/sentences? How do we help our students interpret?
  4. Pearls Before Swine demonstrates the importance of background knowledge: … via @Larryferlazzo//cc @DTWillingham
  5. Question: “What % of vocab does the avg reader need to know before they find a text too hard?” Answer: 98% via@DTWillingham #edchat
  6. Learning&memory-textbks have many gaps, most stdnts don’t recog they don’t understand (70% don’t rec blatant contradictions) ~@DTWillingham
  7. When reading in textbooks, stdnts tend to assess comprehension on sentence by sentence basis vs understanding to big picture ~@DTWillingham
  8. Understanding texts – there’s another level of organization deeper than sentence to sentence. It’s called a situation model ~@DTWillingham
  9. Every faculty member is a reading tchr.. every1 has texts they assign 4 which some/all stdnts need instruction in how to read@DTWillingham
  10. Memory is the residue of thought. You will mostly need to remember meaning. But you already knew that… @DTWillingham
  11. How stuff gets in? Repetition helps if it is the *right type* of repetition. ~@DTWillingham
  12. “Not all repetition is created equal” (note: sleep during that spacing gap is very important!) @DTWillingham
  13. When studying, set tasks that require thinking about meaning. Simply rereading is a terrible way to study. ~@DTWillingham
  14. Elaborative interrogation: during reading, ask “why is this true?”@DTWillingham
  15. Highlighting => sparse, unconnected knowledge. If you’re a novice, you don’t know what’s important yet & highlight wrong thing@DTWillingham
  16. Problem: after students highlight info, they rarely read what they didn’t originally highlight. @DTWillingham
  17. “I know it, I just can’t explain it”#studentproblems — stdnts often have the wrong criterion for learning/understanding@DTWillingham
  18. To make stdnt better judge of what they know: criterion of knowing = explaining, not understanding when someone else explains @DTWillingham
  19. Yep! -> When studying, some must be in a situation where you cannot see your notes/texts. @DTWillingham
  20. We tap into our memory before we “think” @DTWillingham <- see this all the time when working w stdnts in math, I call it their “robot brain”
  21. “We like thinking when thinking is successful” But the task needs to be adequately challenging #curiosity @DTWillingham
  22. Curiosity is prompted in the sweet spot of difficulty ~@DTWillingham
  23. “We understand new ideas in the context of things we already know.. & most of what we know is concrete, not abstract” ~@DTWillingham

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