My @TED_Ed Talk – Classroom Tech for Classroom Equity: How to use simple tech apps to support ALL learners #TechWithHeart @TEDTalks #TEDTalk #edtech #education

I’m extremely honored & excited to share that my TED-Ed Educator talk was selected and published! I hope you find my message inspiring, applicable, and relevant. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if I can further support you in bringing these ideas to life in your classroom and school.

Classroom Tech for Classroom Equity: How to use simple tech apps to support ALL learners

Stacey Roshan believes that when schools only prioritize students who are most vocal and quick to raise their hand, they leave out the perspectives of so many. That’s why she uses simple tech in the classroom to provide a safe space for all types of learners to contribute.

When Stacey Roshan was in high school, she feared the moment she might be called on in class. A self-described introvert and perfectionist, she needed time to process and formulate a response before she was ready to share. Now, as a math teacher, Stacey leverages technology to create more equitable and empowering forums for discussion in the classroom—shifting away from a culture that praises the first person to raise their hand to one where every individual has a platform to make their ideas seen and heard.

After the publication of my talk, Carrie Baughcum created a brilliant sketchnote of my talk. It so beautifully captures the essence of my message, and the symbolism behind the images is incredible. I’m so honored to have this sketch to display alongside my talk.

Sketchnote of Stacey Roshan's TED-Ed Educator Talk created by Carrie Baughcum

We can leverage technology to create more inclusive forums for discussion — to shift from a culture that praises the first person to raise their hand to one where every individual has a platform to make their ideas seen and heard. These tech tools are so powerful and easy to use, only our imagination is holding us back from building more equitable and empowering classrooms.

I hope you enjoy my talk! Please share your ideas and comments below, on Twitter, or directly on the video. I would love to hear how these ideas resonate with you and what other strategies or thoughts you would add. I’m always excited to discuss and brainstorm further as we learn and share together!

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